This work was carried out to investigate performance and carcass yield of large-type broilers at different stocking densities. Treatments were T1 (9.1 birds/m 2 ), T2 (10.3 birds/m 2 ) and T3 (11.5 birds/m 2 ) by the stocking density. Four hundred eight 1-day-old Arbor Acre broiler chicks were used for six weeks (starter, 0~1 wks; earlier, 1~3 wks; finisher, 3~6 wks) and divided into 3 treatments (4 replications/treatment, 30, 34 or 38 birds/replication). Research indexes were rearing viability ratio, body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, production efficiency factor and carcass ratio. Rearing viability ratio (%) was 89% or more for all treatments and there was no significant difference on weekly rearing viability ratio (%). Body weight of T2 was the greatest and that of T3 was the lowest at 1 weeks old (P<0.05). Body weight gain of T2 was the greatest and that of T3 was the lowest at 0~1 weeks old (P<0.05). However, body weight gain of T3 was the greatest and that of T1 was the lowest at 1~2 weeks old (P<0.05). Body weight gain of T2 was the greatest as 3,031 g among treatments at 0~6 weeks old (P<0.05). Feed intakes of T1, T2 and T3 were 1,417 g, 1,265 g and 1,355 g, respectively, and that of T1 was the greatest among treatments (P<0.05). There was no significant difference on body weight, body weight gain and feed intake. Feed conversion ratio of T1 was the greatest among treatments at 1~2 wks, 3~4 wks and 0~6 wks old (P<0.05). Production efficiency factors of T1, T2 and T3 were 363.5, 388.3 and 358.3, respectively, and there was no significant difference among treatments. Wing meat ratio of T1 was the higher compared to other treatments at the age of 4 wk (P<0.05). There was no significant difference on carcass ratio and partial meat ratio among treatments. Neck meat ratio of T2 was the lowest among treatments (P<0.05). This result may provide the standard data of different stocking densities for large-type broiler and the further research is needed.(Key words : large-type broiler, performance, carcass ratio) † To whom correspondence should be addressed : 서 론 육계 산업에서 사육 밀도의 증가는 노동력, 계사 및 설비와 관련된 비용을 절감시키는데 사용되는 경영 방식이다. 그러 나 사육밀도가 높아지면 결과적으로 증체량, 사료 섭취량 및 사료 요구율과 같은 성장 생산성이 감소된다 (Puron et al., 1995;Feddes et al., 2002;Dozier et al., 2005Dozier et al., , 2006Estevez, 2007). 게다가, 가슴육과 같은 부분육 생산은 높은 사육밀도 에 의해 감소된다 (Dozier et al., 2006).사육밀도가 높아지면 육계의 복지 상태에 악영향을 미친 다. 육계의 성장과 건강은 사육밀도에 영향을 받기 때문에 (Webster, 1990)