Havforskningsinstituttets institusjonelle arkiv
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Institutional repository of the Institute of Marine Research b r a g e i m rDette er forfatters siste versjon av den fagfellevurderte artikkelen, vanligvis omtalt som postprint. I Brage IMR er denne artikkelen ikke publisert med forlagets layout fordi forlaget ikke tillater dette. Du finner lenke til forlagets versjon i Brage-posten. Det anbefales at referanser til artikkelen hentes fra forlagets side.
Ved lenking til artikkelen skal det lenkes til post i Brage IMR, ikke direkte til pdf-fil.This is the author's last version of the article after peer review and is not the publisher's version, usually referred to as postprint. You will find a link to the publisher's version in Brage IMR. It is recommended that you obtain the references from the publisher's site.Linking to the article should be to the Brage-record, not repeat experiments were performed, all of which showed that crowding has a major 23 effect on survival rates. In all five experiments, mortality was higher among the 24 crowded fish (80 -100 % mortality) than the controls (0.1 -46 % mortality), and the 25 difference was significant (p = 0.01). The experiments demonstrate that excessive 26 crowding before slipping mackerel from purse seines should be avoided, if possible, 27 in order to avoid massive fish kills. 28 29