The ethanol-inhibitory behaviour of the yeast Sacchammyces cerevi&ze S c 5 was found to be characterized by a continual-linear relation between the specific ethanol formation rate and the ethanol concentration. Therefore the simple equation v = v,, -a. P could be applied for it.It is shown that this model is correct only then, if all of the process parameters are in their optimum.Out of the optimum temperature range the characteristics of the function v = f(P) change in such a way that in regard to the ethanol concentration P twc linear relations exist for each suboptimum temperature: vT = vhT -a , . enT. P, for P < PT and vT = vo -a . P, for P > PT, and a non-linear equation is current for each superoptimum temperature:where 8, is also a function of the temperature and always less than 1.Taking as a basis these equations the specific ethanol formation rate of the used strain can be calculated for the whole biokinetic PIT-sphere of ethanol production.