ABSTRACT. This research aims to study on educational methods of Nature-Study extracted through a wide body of literatures and meaning of Nature-Study toward today's science education. For this, viewpoints of Nature-Study were drown by previous historical study about Nature-Study. And educational methods of Nature-Study based on viewpoints of Nature-Study were abstracted by collecting and analyzing of literatures. Meaning of Nature-Study toward today's science education was considered. The research resulted in the following; First, Nature-Study emphasize the sympathy with nature, aim for integrated subject study and include non-formal study from a viewpoint of 'studying with nature'. Second, Nature-Study aim for outdoor activities, emphasize experiences than texts, value fundamental observation from a viewpoint of 'study through firsthand experiences'. Third, Nature-Study value interest of students, support the study for all students, emphasize the teachers' role as a helper from a viewpoint of 'learner-centered education'. Nature-Study is suggested to change view of point over to science education through nature toward today's science education.