The theoretical framework for describing the multicomponent mixtures with the Soret effect is revised and extended. The separation ratio, a fundamental parameter characterizing the influence of thermal diffusion on convective phenomena, is generalized to the multicomponent case. It is shown how to define this parameter for a particular component of the mixture. To characterize multicomponent system as a whole, the net separation ratio ⌿, which does not depend on the choice of solvent, is introduced. Based on these results, the dimensionless equations for convection in multicomponent mixture are derived. The proposed formulation is applied to analyzing the steady state separation in the thermogravitational column ͑TGC͒. The approximation neglecting vertical diffusion in the column is employed and conditions for its validity are analyzed. The distributions of velocity, temperature, and composition in a multicomponent system are found. The relevant parameters here are the solutal Rayleigh numbers, which characterize the vertical separation of species, and the net solutal Rayleigh number R, which quantifies the overall effect of this separation on the system behavior. It is shown that the key relation of TGC theory, which relates the vertical compositional gradients to the thermal diffusion coefficients, reduces to the dependence of ⌿ on R. A detailed study of this dependence is performed. The evolution of vertical velocity and density profiles with changing the net separation ratio is investigated. It is shown that the solution is unique for ⌿տ−1, nonunique for −5 Շ⌿Շ−1, and does not exist for ⌿Շ−5. A particular ternary mixture is considered and its behavior in the column is analyzed.