RESUMO: O abacate (Persea americana Mill) é um fruto originado do continente
ABSTRACT: Avocado (Persea americana Mill) is a fruit originated from the American continent, widely produced in Brazilian territory. Its fleshy pulp provides the extraction of a high quality oil containing several bioactive compounds. In this work, the viability of avocado oil extraction was evaluated using different extraction conditions. The avocado pulp was dried in an oven, and then milled to obtain a bran. Extractions were performed with 3 g of the sample and varying amounts of solvent (ethanol, hexane, isopropanol and acetone) to obtain different solid: solvent ratios (1: 5, 1: 7.5 and 1:10). The system was incubated in Shaker at constant temperature (35 °C, 45 °C and 55 °C)