Sunimary. Pharbitis iil seedlings rapidl)y metabolized (-)-kaurene-17-14C administered to the cotyledons. Less than 20 % of the radioactivity was recovered by extraction of the cotyledons on the following day. Of this the major metabolite was an unidenitified acidic material which did not corresponid chromatographically to any of the known gibberellins.Significant differences were observed between the radioactivity folund in the buds of a grouip of seedlings stubjected to photoperio(lic floral indtuction an(d that in a nonindtuced group. In both cases almost all of this radioactivity was in the neutral fraction, btut thini-layer chromatograph) of these fractions revealed that the induced grotup contaiined 2 or more labelled componeints which were either absent or present in lower conlcentrations iin the noninduice(d grotup.Zeevart (14) (12). On the fifth day after planiting, (-)-kaurene-17/4C in acetone soluitioin was administered to 1oth cotyledoins of each of 20 seecllings by the techniquie previously lescribed (2). The seedlings, each of which had received a dose of 4 X 104 cpm, were then divided into 2 eqUal gronIps. OIne groutp (indLuce(l) was subljected to a 16-hour dark period and the other ( noniindtuced) to 16 hours of darkness interruiptedl 1y 10 minuttes of light after 8 hoturs.Six hours after the end of the (lark period, each grouip was harvested separately as follows. The cotyledons, incluidinig the petioles, were remove(d aindI lyophilize(l. The buds were cut off at the julnctioll Mwith the petioles and homogenized in a tissue grinder with 10 ml of 80 % methanol containing 50 yg of an antioxidant, 2, 6-di-t-butvl-pcresol (BHT). The methanolic soluitioin was separate(d after cenitrifLugatioii, and(I the residue was su,ccessively homogenized with 5 ml of 80 % methainol and 2 5-ml portioins of benzene. The combined soluitions were concentrated in vacuum at 400 to alouit 2 ml, takein uip in 30 ml of water, aci(lifiedl to pH 2 with 3 N HCl, aild extracted with 3 10-ml portions of ethyl acetate. Satturated sodium sulfate soluitioin was ulsed to break emulsionis. The extracts were washe(d with 5 ml of water, filtered, combined, anllc evaporate(l (Acidic-'Neuitral Fraction). The main aquieouis layer was extracted with 2 10-ml portions of buitanol. The extracts were washed writh the same 5 ml of water as above, filtered, combined, and evaporate(d (W\ater-soluible Fraction, table I).