Like many countries, Mainland China is committed to improving process quality in kindergartens (children aged 3 to 6), specifically the quality of teacher–child interactions. The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS; Pianta, 2008, in Classroom Assessment Scoring System™: Manual K-3, Paul H Brookes Publishing, Baltimore) is a widely used tool to assess and potentially improve interactional quality. While CLASS has been increasingly used by researchers in China, much of the literature has been published in the Chinese language and, thus, is inaccessible to international readers. To overcome this barrier, this scoping review analyzes existing empirical research involving CLASS in Chinese kindergartens. Publications in English and Chinese were considered. Fifty-five peer-reviewed articles published between 2008 and 2023 were included. Most studies were conducted in public kindergartens in urban areas and developed regions of China, adopting quantitative research designs with relatively small sample sizes. We identified six different types of research purposes. Many of the available studies did not follow established CLASS procedures. We conclude that the evidence available for enhancing teacher–child interactional quality and supporting policy reforms in China remains somewhat weak. We encourage Chinese researchers and policymakers to implement CLASS in large-scale teacher performance evaluations and professional development studies.