SummaryThe Hanford Site is a former nuclear defense production facility. A groundwater plume containing uranium, originating from a combination of purposeful discharges of wastewater to cribs, trenches, and ponds, along with some accidental leaks and spills related to nuclear fuel fabrication activities, has persisted beneath the Hanford Site 300 Area for many years. Despite the cessation of uranium releases and the removal of shallow vadose zone source materials, the remedial action objective to lower the concentration of groundwater uranium to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency maximum contaminant level concentration of 30 µg/L has not been achieved within the anticipated 10-year time period. Some unknown amount of contamination remains in the vadose zone beneath the lower extent of the excavation activities. Additional contamination also may remain beneath buildings and facilities in the southern portion of the 300 Area, which has not been decontaminated and decommissioned. The use of polyphosphate technology for source treatment in the vadose zone and capillary fringe is expected to accelerate the natural attenuation of uranium to thermodynamically stable uranium-phosphate minerals. This effort will complement the current 300 Area treatability test being conducted within the saturated zone (e.g., 300 Area aquifer) for in situ treatment of uranium-contaminated groundwater.Polyphosphate technology has been demonstrated for in situ precipitation of phosphate phases to control the long-term fate of uranium. A critical component of the development and testing is detailed evaluation to determine if polyphosphate technology could be modified for infiltration from ground surface or some depth of excavation to stabilize source uranium phases. This report presents results from bench-scale treatability studies conducted under site-specific conditions to optimize the polyphosphate amendment for implementation of a field-scale technology demonstration to stabilize uranium within the 300 Area vadose zone and capillary fringe of the Hanford Site. Documented in this report are data related to 1) the retardation of polyphosphate as a function of water content and pore water velocity, 2) the reaction between uranium-bearing solid phases and aqueous polyphosphate remediation technology as a function of polyphosphate composition and concentration, 3) the mechanism of autunite formation via the reaction of solid-phase calcite-bound uranium and aqueous polyphosphate remediation technology, 4) the transformation mechanism and reaction kinetics between uranyl-carbonate and -silicate minerals with the polyphosphate remedy under advective conditions, and 5) the extent and rate of uranium released and immobilized as a function of polyphosphate composition and the infiltration rate of the polyphosphate remedy. Kinetic rate law parameters were determined from single-pass flow-through experiments. Pressurized unsaturated flow tests were used to determine the effect of polyphosphate composition, concentration, and infiltration rate...