inducing a higher RLD in the topmost layer under NT (Gregory, 1994;Cannell and Hawes, 1994).
There is relatively little information about root growth responseInformation about the impact of tillage on the root under different tillage systems in cool temperate regions. In a 5-yr growth of small-grain cereals is scarce. The root growth field trial at two sites [loamy silt (1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999) and sandy loam soils of winter wheat was similar at later growth stages under (1996-2000)] in the Swiss midlands, the effect of tillage intensity [notillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)] on the morphology and NT and CT in temperate regions (Ellis and Barnes, 1980; distribution of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots at harvest Dzienia and Wereszczaka, 1999), but the impact of tillwas studied for 3 yr (1997-1999). The root length density (RLD), age on root growth may depend on the length of time mean root diameter (MD), and relative length per diameter-class since the implementation of the NT system (Pearson et distribution of the roots were determined using washed roots from al., 1991). soil cores taken from the row and the midrow. Averaged across allThe spatial distribution of the roots reflects the crop's the other factors, NT resulted in a slightly lower RLD and a slightly potential to take up nutrients and water. The RLD is larger MD compared with CT. However, compared with CT, the RLD often used to describe root distribution. In general, the was higher in the upper soil layer (0 to 5 cm), similar from 5 to 10 cm, RLD is higher in the row than in the midrow (Rubino and lower from 10 to 30 cm in NT. The tillage effect disappeared and Franchi, 1990). Roots are more abundant in the below 30 cm. This tillage-induced difference in root distribution was upper soil layer (Wilhelm et al., 1982; Barraclough et more and more marked from 1997 to 1999. In the row, the MD was greater from 0 to 15 cm, was similar down to 25 cm, and was smaller Dzienia and Wereszczaka, 1999). The impact from 25 to 50 cm in NT compared with CT while below 50 cm, the of tillage on root distribution was evident in the layer MD was hardly affected by tillage intensity. However, MD in the affected by plowing (Gerik et al., 1987; Rasmussen, midrow was usually significantly higher from 0 to 10 cm under NT 1991). The roots in the NT system accumulated to a than under CT.