Damage to birch (Betula spp.) trees after an extensive freezing rain and snowing event was assessed in hemiboreal stands aged from 2 to 30 years. Tree diameter, height, and stem bending were measured, stand age and time of thinning were obtained from inventory data, and the relative distance from a sample plot to the nearest adjacent stand was calculated. Stem bending was remeasured after one and three growing seasons to assess tree recovery potential. Stem damage was found for 31.0% of birch trees, with 93.7% of them bent. The probability of being bent was increased (p < 0.001) for trees of a lower social position within the stand and was higher in stands with larger growing stock (p < 0.05) and relative distance to the adjacent stand (p < 0.001). The probability of damage was significantly (p < 0.05) affected by recent tree removal, with decreasing susceptibility until five to six years after the last thinning. After one growing season, 31.3% of trees had less intense bending, and 8.2% had more intense bending compared with the initial assessment. A tree’s ability to recover stem bending to less than 15° was linked (p < 0.001) to its damage intensity, whereas the magnitude of the recovery was affected by both the damage intensity and the relative diameter (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively). The results indicate the importance of timely thinning that maintains a stable tree form and is performed considering the spatial planning of heterogeneity in the heights of adjacent stands to avoid damage at a young age.