Enhancing consumer engagement with brand posts on social media is challenging to digital marketers. However, it is unclear what contents work better for which brand and in what way. This paper investigates the impacts of three brand post linguistic styles (i.e., emotionality, complexity, and informality) and finds that brand posts' linguistic styles can impact consumer engagement. The findings improve our understanding of the role that language plays in brand communications on social media.
Communication accommodation theoryCommunication accommodation theory explains how people adjust their behaviors during communications, why they do so, and the effects arising from doing so [17][18]. According to CAT, the two general communication strategies are accommodation (or convergence) and nonaccommodation (or divergence) [17]. Accommodation is a strategy whereby people adjust their communication behaviors to appear more similar to their interlocutors. Conversely, nonaccommodation is a strategy in which people accentuate differences between themselves and their interlocutors in communication behaviors [17]. According to CAT, accommodation in language leads to positive evaluations of the communication (e.g., message agreement, persuasiveness, and communication satisfaction), the interlocutor (e.g., credibility, trust, sociability, and attractiveness), and the relationship (e.g., relational satisfaction, closeness, common identity, and intimacy) [17]. For example, research has shown that language accommodation in computer-mediated communications can enhance the rapport [18] and trust [19] between communicators. Recent research has shown that language accommodation also positively impacts communicators' involvement and behavior [20]. For example, Ludwig et al. [21] found that linguistic style matching between an online product review and the interest group is positively related to conversion rates. Steinmann, Mau, found that personalized communication style used by brands in interacting with online consumption community members can enhance members' evaluation of the community as well as increase their purchase intention.Brand posting is a form of brand-to-consumer communication that occurs in a CMC context, i.e., social media; thus, it is reasonable to assume that language accommodation in brand posting could positively impact consumers' evaluation and behavior