Background: At some stage in their lives, between 60-85% of adults suffer from low back pain (LBP). Fortunately, symptoms are mild and intermittent for the vast majority of people, with 90 percent subsidization within six weeks. An approximate 15-45 percent of the individuals affected by chronic back pain, defined as symptoms such as pain that last beyond 3 months. The effect on the livelihoods and economic results are significant for the minority with intractable symptoms. Considering the high incidence of low back pain, the diagnostic strategy and treatment options are complex and sometimes conflicting and within the general population. Rising the expense and inconsistency of management throughout the nation. In fact, this is because it is impossible for most patients to establish a particular etiology, with established axial spine-wide nociceptive pain generators identified.
Clinical Finding: Patient having complaint of pain in lower back region and Radiated in the posterior part of the thigh, as well as lower limb numbness. Morning stiffness was present. On examination active movement (Range of Motion) of lumbar flexion, lumbar Extension and lumbar lateral flexions lightly restricted and painful at the end of range of motion.
Diagnosis: MRI was done, it shows posterior annulus tear on the level of L4-L5, L4-L5 –Diffuse disc bulge with right-sided bulge subarticular is disc protrusion causing indentation on anterior thecal sac with moderate to severe narrowing of bilateral neural foramina with propensity toward right side with compression of traversing and exiting nerve roots.
Conclusion: This case report provides patient with inclusive recovery which helped her to relieve pain.