Several compaction models have been attempted to explain the compression and compaction phenomena of excipients. However, the resulting parameters could be influenced by the compaction platform such as dwell time, compact mass, geometry and type of material. The goal of this study is to assess the effect of these variables on the densification parameters obtained from key models such as Heckel, non-linear Heckel, Kawakita, Carstensen, and Leuenberger. The relationship among the parameters derived was determined by employing a Principal Component Analysis. Results indicated that factors such as compact geometry, consolidation time and compact mass had a negligible impact on parameters such as tensile strength, yield pressure and compressibility. On the contrary, the excipient type had the largest influence on these parameters. Further, the Leuenberger (γ) and Carstensen ( f ) parameters were highly correlated and related to the excipient deformation mechanism. Sorbitol and PVP-k30 were the most highly compactable excipients and were characterized for having a low yield pressure (P y ), compressibility (a), and critical porosity (ε c ). The magnitude of these parameters was highly dependent on the consolidation behavior of each material.Key words deformation mechanism; compaction behavior; compression model; compactibility; tableting performanceThe consolidation phenomenon of compressing materials into a cohesive mass during compact formation is a complex process. The pressure applied to bulk pharmaceutical powders give rise to a change in bed density, gradually reducing its volume until a complete tablet is formed. During this process, powders undergo complex transitions and structural changes to form a porous solid. Thus, a final porosity reduction represents a transformation to a new physical irreversible structure where the solid constitute a continuous phase.
1)It is commonly accepted that powder consolidation happens by cohesive forces acting at the areas of true interparticle contact points including van der Waals forces, solid bridges and mechanical interlocking. However, only van der Waals forces are significant for tableting of pharmaceutical materials. Hydrogen bonds and electrostatic forces are other examples of forces that act over a distance between particles. Nevertheless, if too much energy is stored elastically at compression, the elastic recovery during decompression could break most of the bonds formed rendering a flaky tablet. For this reason, excipients need to be added to a drug formulation to compensate for intrinsic undesirable properties of the drug.
2,3)At the onset of compression, particles within the powder bed are expected to undergo some rearrangement in their packing condition reducing their particle-particle contact distances in which bigger holes between particles are filled with small particles. This process is influenced by surface characteristics, frictional properties and particle size. The smaller the particles, the greater the number of contact points per unit volume. 4) As t...