Eggshell coating is a common practice used to improve the shelf-life of table eggs while mineral oils have been widely utilized as an effective coating material. Hik (Lannea coromandelica) and Mango (Mangifera indica) are tropical trees grown in the dry zone of Sri Lanka and their wax has film-forming properties. However, information on using Hik and Mango wax as a surface coating material on egg quality attributes is scarce and yet to be elucidated. Therefore, this study aimed to check the effect of Hik and Mango tree waxes as external coating materials and to evaluate the internal qualities and shelf life of eggs during storage. A total of 408 freshly laid, white, medium-sized (55-60 g), clean eggs were purchased, individually weighed, and arranged under a completely randomized design to obtain four different coating treatments as; 1) Negative control (non-coated eggs, NC), 2) Positive control (mineral oil-coated eggs, PC), 3) Hik Wax coated eggs (HW), and 4) Mango Wax coated eggs (MW) and stored at room temperature (27 ± 2℃) for five wks. Weight losses and internal quality parameters (Haugh unit [HU], albumen and yolk pH values, and microbial analysis) of eggs were measured weekly. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis was conducted to analyze the structural changes of egg albumen. Results revealed that HW and MW eggs had low weight loss (p < 0.05) than NC eggs. Compared with NC, PC, and HW eggs had significantly higher HU (p < 0.05) during the storage. Both plant wax coatings effectively reduced (p < 0.05) the albumen and yolk pH when compared to non-coated eggs. The egg yolk color did not change (p > 0.05) upon the coating treatment. All eggs were negatively performed for the Salmonella test. FTIR analysis confirmed that no chemical changes occurred in wax-coated eggs during the storage. In conclusion, coating eggs with Hik and Mango wax are not as effective as mineral oil, however, it was still effective in enhancing the shelf-life and improving the internal qualities of eggs rather than non-coating.