The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is one of the three most important livestock production areas in China (Long, 2007). Due to the extreme environment with high altitude, severe cold, hypoxia, strong ultraviolet light, and short forage growing season, feed availability is often deficient for herbivores in winter and early spring (Zhou et al., 2018). For example, losses of up to 30% of the Yak population in spring have been reported (Long & Ma, 1996), resulting from lack of adequate supplies of forages reserve in growing season. Recently, farmers in this region have focused on introduction of high yielding quality grass to alleviate the shortage of forages in the local livestock industry. Reed canary grass (RCG, Phalaris arundinacea L.) is a promising grass species distributed in temperate regions in the northern hemisphere. RCG is tolerant to different environmental conditions including cold and humid conditions, and it has good potential for high yields during the harvesting season (Kammes, Heemink, Albrecht, & Combs, 2008). New varieties of RCG containing low levels of alkaloids have similar or greater nutrient digestibility when compared with other perennial cool-season grasses, and offer potential for