An effect of specimen size on the Charpy impact property was evaluated in the ferritic-martensitic 11Cr-0.5Mo-2W, Nb, V stainless steel (PNC-FMS). The upper shelf energy (USE) is expressed by the power law equation as USE½J¼mðBbÞ n , where m is the material constant (m¼0:277 in PNC-FMS), B [mm] is the specimen thickness and b [mm] is the ligament size. The normalizing exponent n was empirically derived using the USE of the full size specimen as n¼1:38Â10 À3 USE full þ1:20. The n value varies in the range of 1.2 to 1.7, which is affected by the fracture volume below the notch. The PNC-FMS wrapper takes n¼1:42. The ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of PNC-FMS is correlated as DBTT¼115ðlog 10 BKtÞÀ158 using an elastic stress concentration factor Kt that represents the effects of notch size, e.g. notch depth, notch root radius and notch angle.