In recent past, various methods have been used for wound treatment purpose. In this study, we aimed to compare our results established from the vacuum-assisted wound closure method, which has gained popularity day by day, with the literature. A total of 48 patients, who received vacuum-assisted wound closure treatment in our clinic between 2007and 2010, were included in this study. Etiological distribution of the patients was as follows: 32 traumatic, 6 pressure sore, 9 diabetic, and 1 iliac disarticulation. All cases were evaluated in terms of age, gender, etiology, period of treatment, and size of the wound. In the patients studied, 42 were men (87.5 %) and 6 were women (12.5 %). Mean age of the patients was 39.6 years (11-61 years). All of our traumatic patients suffered from open fracture. After the vacuum-assisted wound closure application, wound size reduced by 28.8 %, while the mean area of the surface of the wound was 94.7 cm 2 (13.7-216.3 cm 2 ) on average. After the wounds became ready for surgery, 15 of them were treated with split-thickness grafting, 9 of them were treated with secondary suture, 18 of them were treated with fullthickness grafting, and 6 of them were treated with flap.