Underfloor air distribution, also known as UFAD, is a technique of providing the space conditioning in offices as well as other public spaces. Because of the substantial benefits which it can provide, it is progressively being regarded as a major alternative to the conventional ceiling-based air distribution systems. This is due to the fact that the UFAD is a technique of providing the space conditioning in the public spaces. This method delivers cooled air directly into the inhabited zone of the building by making advantage of the open space that is created (the underfloor plenum) that exists between the structural concrete slab as well as the underside of a raised access floor system. Air may be supplied through a multiplicity of the supply outlets positioned at the floor level (this is the most typical configuration), or it can be integrated into the structure of the furniture and walls. This paper provides a recent development in the field of HVACs that have employed UFAD systems for improving their effectiveness as well as thermal comfort of humans. UFAD has the potential to assist in the enhancement of a building’s energy efficiency, indoor air quality, occupant comfort, and sustainable practises. The future scope of UFAD is significant, and it has the potential to become a mainstream technology in the building industry.