Cefotaxime (HR 756) is a new senisynthetic parenteral cephalosporin with exceptional activity against gram-negative organisms and considerable stability against their f,-lactamases. To study its pharmacokinetic properties, 0.5-, 1-, and 2-g doses were administered to each of six volunteers intravenously over 15 mi, followed by a sustaining infusions of 0.5, 1, and 2 g/h, respectively, for 3 consecutive hours. The loading doses produced mean peak levels of 41, 93, and 160 .g/ ml, and mean steady-state serum concentrations were 27, 64, and 138 ,ug/ml, respectively. The mean terminal half-life was 75 ± 7 min. The total volume of distribution averaged 0.22 ± 0.03 liters/kg of body weight. Total body and renal clearances were 232 ± 30 and 145 ± 24 ml/nnin per 1.73 m2, respectively; 63 ± 9% of the administered dose was excreted through the kidneys in 24 h. To determine the effect of cefotaxime on the renal tubules, urinary alanine aminopeptidase excretion was measured before, during, and after the infusions. It remained within the normal range in all instances; however, 48 ± 14% of the total daily alanine aminopeptidase output was recovered during the infusion period. Side effects were dose related and included fatigue, loose stools, and night sweats. No significant changes in hematology, serum chemistry, or urinalysis were recorded.Cefotaxime (proposed generic name of 3-acetoxymethyl-7-[(2-(2-amino-4 thiazolyl)-2-methoxy-iminoacetyl)amino]-ceph-3-eme-4-carboxylic acid, sodium salt) is a novel parenteral cephalosporin with remarkable activity against gram-negative organisms, including indole-positive Proteus species, Serratia, and, to some extent, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (5,11, 12, 28, 29). Its resistance to hydrolysis by gram-negative ,8-lactamase Richmond types I, III, IV, and V is of the same order as that of cefoxitin and cefuroxime (8). In experimental animal infections, cefotaxime appeared to be superior to cefazolin (12).We conducted a pharmacokinetic study with this compound to evaluate the following aspects of this new cephalosporin: (i) determination of the pharmacokinetic parameters during steadystate infusions at three different dose levels; (ii) effect of cefotaxime on the urinary excretion of alanine aminopeptidase (AAP) as a possible indicator of tubular toxicity; and (iii) evaluation of the local and systemic tolerances of high doses.(These results were presented in part at the 18th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Atlanta, Ga., [1][2][3][4] October 1978.)
MATERIAIS AND MErHODSSix healthy, young male volunteers took part in the study. Informed consent was obtained from each participant. At intervals of 1 week 0.5-, 1-, and 2-g doses of cefotaxime were administered to each volunteer over 15 min, followed by sustaining infusions of 0.5, 1, and 2 g/h, respectively, for 3 consecutive hours (Fig. 1). The infusion rate was controlled with an infusion pump (Perfior E+2; Braun Melsungen, West Germany).A total of 28 serum samples were drawn from the contralateral forearms at 0,...