A recent systematic review and meta-analysis shows that volume-targeted ventilation (VTV) compared with pressure-limited ventilation (PLV) reduce death and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pneumothorax, hypocarbia and severe cranial ultrasound abnormalities. In this paper, we present published research and our experience with volume guarantee (VG) ventilation, a VTV mode available on the Dräger Babylog 8000plus and VN500 ventilators. The VG algorithm measures the expired tidal volume (V T ) for each inflation and adjusts the peak inflating pressure for the next inflation to deliver a V T set by the clinician. The advantage of controlling expired V T is that this is less influenced by endotracheal tube leak than inspired V T . VG ventilation can be used with an endotracheal tube leak up to B50%. Initial set V T for infants with respiratory distress syndrome should be 4.0 to 5.0 ml kg À1 . The set V T should be adjusted to maintain normocapnoea. Setting the peak inflating pressure limit well above the working pressure is important to enable the ventilator to deliver the set V T , and to avoid frequent alarms. This paper provides a practical guide on how to use VG ventilation.