Evolution of fuel droplet evaporation zone and its interaction with the propagating flame front are studied in this work. A general theory is developed to describe the evolutions of flame propagation speed, flame temperature, droplet evaporation onset and completion locations in ignition and propagation of spherical flames. The influences of liquid droplet mass loading, heat exchange coefficient (or evaporation rate) and Lewis number on spherical spray flame ignition are studied. Two flame regimes are considered, i.e., heterogeneous and homogeneous flames, based on the mixture condition near the flame front. The results indicate that the spray flame trajectories are considerably affected by the ignition energy addition. The critical condition for successful ignition for the fuel-rich mixture is coincidence of inner and outer flame balls from igniting kernel and propagating flame. The flame balls always exist in homogeneous mixtures, indicating that ignition failure and critical successful events occur only in purely gaseous mixture. The fuel droplets have limited effects on minimum ignition energy, which however increases monotonically with the Lewis number. Moreover, flame kernel originates from heterogeneous mixtures due to the initially dispersed droplets near the spark. The evaporative heat loss in the burned and unburned zones of homogeneous and heterogeneous spray flames is also evaluated, and the results show that for the failed flame kernels, evaporative heat loss behind and before the flame front first increases and then decreases. The evaporative heat loss before the flame front generally increases, although nonmonotonicity exists, when the flame is successfully ignited and propagate outwardly. For heterogeneous flames, the ratio of the heat loss from the burned zone to the total one decreases as the flame expands. Moreover, droplet mass loading and heat exchange coefficient considerably affect the evaporating heat loss from burned and unburned zones.