Abstract. Tunable laser direct absorption spectroscopy is a widely used technique for
the in situ sensing of atmospheric composition. Aircraft deployment poses a
challenging operating environment for instruments measuring
climatologically relevant gases in the Earth's atmosphere. Here, we
demonstrate the successful adaption of a commercially available continuous
wave quantum cascade laser (QCL) and interband cascade laser (ICL) based
spectrometer for airborne in situ trace gas measurements with a local to
regional focus. The instrument measures methane, ethane, carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and water vapor simultaneously, with high
1 s–1σ precision (740 ppt, 205 ppt, 460 ppb, 2.2 ppb, 137 ppt and 16 ppm,
respectively) and high frequency (2 Hz). We estimate a
total 1 s–1σ uncertainty of 1.85 ppb, 1.6 ppb, 1.0 ppm, 7.0 ppb
and 0.8 ppb in CH4, C2H6, CO2, CO and N2O, respectively.
The instrument enables simultaneous and continuous observations for all
targeted species. Frequent calibration allows for a measurement duty cycle
≥90 %. Custom retrieval software has been implemented and instrument
performance is reported for a first field deployment during NASA's
Atmospheric Carbon and Transport – America (ACT-America) campaign in fall 2017
over the eastern and central USA. This includes an inter-instrumental
comparison with a calibrated cavity ring-down greenhouse gas analyzer
(operated by NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, USA) and periodic flask
samples analyzed at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA). We demonstrate good agreement of the QCL- and ICL-based instrument to
these concurrent observations within the combined measurement uncertainty
after correcting for a constant bias. We find that precise knowledge of the
δ13C of the working standards and the sampled air is
needed to enhance CO2 compatibility when operating on the 2227.604 cm−1 13C16O2 absorption line.