“…For instance, highly sensitive adolescents had lower depressive tendencies (Pluess & Boniwell, 2015) or higher self-esteem (Kibe, Suzuki, Hirano, & Boniwell, 2020) than others after a school-based resilience program. Similarly, psychoeducational or physical exercise (i.e., yoga) programs implemented in educational institutions may have more beneficial effects for high-SPS students than low-SPS students, such as infrequent maladaptive behavior (Nocentini, Menesini, & Pluess, 2018) or a low level of anxiety (Amemiya et al, 2020). Furthermore, in a questionnaire-based study, SPS moderated the relationships between life skills and depressive tendencies in university students; that is, effective skills for improving depression differed according to their SPS levels (Yano, Kase, & Oishi, 2020a).…”