Cereal Chem. 87(5):387-392Plant phenolics and tocopherols content were determined in light and wholegrain buckwheat and wheat flour. Antioxidant activity of flours were comparatively assessed by scavenging activity on 1,1-diphenyl-2picrylhydrazyl (DPPH • ), hydroxyl ( • OH), and superoxide anion (O 2•-) radicals, reducing activity, and chelating activity on Fe 2+ . Rutin, quercetin, and ferulic acid were quantified in both buckwheat flours, while ferulic acid was quantified in wholegrain wheat flour. Significantly higher content of phenolics and tocopherols was found in buckwheat than in wheat flours. Tocopherols in buckwheat flours were present in the order: γ-> α->> δ-tocopherol, and in wheat flours: α-> γ->> δ-tocopherol. Buckwheat flours possessed better scavenging abilities on DPPH • , • OH and O 2•radicals, as well as better reducing activity, while wheat flours showed better chelating activity on Fe 2+ , according to IC 50 values. Results suggest the possibility of improving the antioxidant properties of wheat-based food products through addition of buckwheat flour.