Linear models were developed for predicting mean Secchi disk depth readings as a measure of water clarity for the summer months in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin. The 20-yr (1976The 20-yr ( -1995 data set also included external phosphorus (P) loadings and in-lake April P concentrations as indices of lake nutrient status, and monthly (28 d) water column stabilities and Daphnia biomasses as indices of lake mixing and algal grazing potentials, respectively. June Secchi depths were mostly controlled by food web dynamics, which dictated whether the larger-bodied Daphnia pulicaria or the smaller-bodied D. galeata mendotae dominated during the spring clear-water phase. May Daphnia biomasses were significantly greater in D. pulicaria-dominated years than in D. galeata-dominated years; D. pulicaria-year biomasses were also greater during the summer months. The model for the midsummer (July-August) months indicated that Secchi depths were inversely related to April P concentrations and positively related to midsummer Daphnia biomasses and lake stabilities. Scenarios for midsummer Secchi depths were tested using the observed minimum and maximum values for each predictor variate. While holding two variates constant, April P, Daphnia biomass, and lake stability each resulted in relatively similar Secchi ranges (0.81, 0.81, and 1.17 m, respectively). Our results suggest that summer water clarity in eutrophic Lake Mendota is controlled by interacting ecosystem processes linked to land use activities, lake food web dynamics, and climate.Excessive phosphorus (P) input to lakes clearly leads to eutrophication, especially affecting summer blue-green algal blooms (Vollenweider 1968;Schindler 1977;Sas 1989). Eutrophication models have linked P loading rates to in-lake P concentrations (Dillon and Rigler 1974b;Vollenweider 1976), which have been used to predict summer algal densities (Dillon and Rigler 1974a;Jones and Bachmann 1976). Although a lake's average P loading can give insights into its trophic status, such an analysis cannot explain the large interannual variability in summer algal densities that is often observed in eutrophic lakes. Factors such as internal P loading and food web dynamics are potential explanations.In large stratified eutrophic lakes, internal loading supplies much more P to epilimnetic waters during the summer than is delivered from external sources (Stauffer and Lee 1973;Larsen et al. 1981;Effler et al. 1986;Soranno et al. 1997).
AcknowledgmentsWe thank the many people who participated in the field collection of the long-term data sets analyzed in this study. Daphnia enumerations were made