2425Flgure 4. Transmission electron micrograph of R/TiO, X434 000.scope grids, showed that samples 1 and 3 were SMSI and sample 2 was not.The morphology of Pt crystallites observed in Pt/TiO, (H, pretreated) sample (an SMSI material) is close to polyhedral (Figure 1). The Pt particle size ranges from 30 to 280 A. The transmission electron micrograph of the support, TiO, (H2 pretreated), is shown in Figure 2. The surface of the support is quite smooth and no small, local, particle-like features are observed. As compared to the reduced sample, Figure 1, the morphology of Pt crystallites in the oxidized Pt/TiO, (H2 pretreated) sample showing no SMSI character is more hemispherical as shown in Figure 3. Those circled Pt crystallites, about 100 A in diameter (Figure 3a), are much more like hemispheres than polyhedra as compared to those of about the same size shown in Figure 1. The crystallites with diameters less than 100 A also appear hemispherical (Figure 3b) although the photograph does not provide as clear a view as Figure 1. The morphology of Pt in the Pt/TiO sample is assigned as "raftlike" based on the flat shape of the darker areas shown in the TEM micrograph of Figure 4. XPS datalo also supports a raftlike morphology assignment for Ptsupported on TiO. While the surface atomic ratios of O/Ti for all the samples are all about the same (3.2 f 0.2), the Pt/Ti ratios are quite different. The values are 0.10 for Pt/Ti02 (H2 pretreated) or oxidized Pt/TiO, (H2 pretreated) and 0.36 for Pt/TiO. This relatively high value for the Pt/Ti ratio for Pt/TiO is consistent with the TEM results suggesting that Pt supported on T i 0 is more highly dispersed. Since the surfaces of all the sample catalysts are covered by at least 30 A thick TiO, layers, as revealed by our XPS study,1° the morphology variations observed in this study are better understood by considering interactions of Pt with the bulk or subsurface of the supports instead of local interfacial metal-metal bond formation. As shown by XRD measurements,1° H2 reduction at 875 "C for TiO, generates a subsurface layer of Ti901,. The bulk becomes more conductive and can be characterized as Ti02 with a considerable number of anion vacancies. Our bulk reduction model consistently accounts for the observed SMSI effect in Pt/Ti02 (H2 pretreated) and Pt/TiO systems and the observed morphology variations in these two systems, as compared to oxidized Pt/Ti02 (H, pretreated) system with no SMSI property, in the following way. According to the proposed model, the bulk conduction band electrons tunnel readily from the Ti9Ol7 subsurface layer of prereduced TiO, support through a thin layer of reoxidized TiO, at the surface to reach the supported Pt particles where they are trapped and furnish negatively charged particles.These unstable charged Pt crystallites tend to change their morphology in order to reduce the local electrostatic potential. This occurs by increasing the Pt surface area (i.e., changing from the hemispherical to polyhedral to raftlike as the charge increases).Ack...