Reperfusion of ischemic brain is associated with production of thromboxane A 2 (TXAJ, a proaggregatory vasoconstrictor. We used an animal model of transient forebrain ischemia to study the effects of 1-benzylimidazole (1-BI), a selective inhibitor of thromboxane synthase, upon cerebral eicosanoid levels and cerebral blood flow. Male Wistar rats were subjected to 30 minutes of four-vessel occlusion. The mean±SEM brain level of TXB 2 , the stable metabolite of TXA 2 , determined after 60 minutes of reperfusion was 101 ±20 pg/mg brain protein in five ischemic control rats. Infusion of 10 figlg 1-BI reduced mean±SEM cerebral TXB 2 concentration to 11±3 pg/mg brain protein in five rats (p^0.002). Mean±SEM hemispheric cerebral blood flow measured in four ischemic control rats after 60 minutes of reperfusion was 42 ±9 ml/ 100 g brain/min compared with 104±13 ml/100 g brain/min in three 1-BI-treated rats (p:£0.001). Mean±SEM hippocampal blood flow in four ischemic control rats after 60 minutes of reperfusion was 51±14 ml/100 g brain/min compared with 125±25 ml/100 g brain/min in three 1-BI-treated rats (p^O.04). We conclude that selective inhibition of thromboxane synthase may alleviate ischemic brain damage by reducing cerebral TXA 2 concentrations and elevating cerebral blood flow. (Stroke 1989;20:627-632) T hromboxane A 2 (TXA2), an enzymic product of arachidonic acid (AA), has been implicated in causing platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction leading to the reduction of microcirculatory blood flow in various organ systems. The synthesis and release of TXA 2 from activated platelets may promote secondary aggregation by interacting with TXA 2 /prostaglandin H 2 (PGHJ receptors on platelet membranes. 12 The vasoconstrictive properties of TXA 2 have been demonstrated in bioassay experiments showing contraction of vascular smooth muscle and reduction of renal and coronary blood flow.
34Cerebral ischemia causes a massive release of AA, stearic acid, and other free fatty acids cleaved by phospholipases from phospholipid membranes in damaged cells.5 - 8 The release of AA is considered to be the rate-limiting step in eicosanoid metabolism within ischemic brain. The cyclooxygenase and peroxidase Received June 6, 1988; accepted November 23, 1988. activities of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase convert AA to the proaggregatory endoperoxide PGH 2 . Thromboxane synthase (TX synthase) in activated platelets converts PGH 2 to TXA 2 , thereby promoting secondary platelet aggregation, arterial thrombosis, and vasoconstriction in brain subjected to ischemia or subarachnoid hemorrhage. 9 -
11Selective inhibition of TX synthase during early reperfusion of ischemic brain may augment recovery of microcirculatory blood flow. We tested this hypothesis by studying the effects of 1-benzylimidazole (1-BI), a selective inhibitor of TX synthase, 12 in an animal model of transient forebrain ischemia.
Materials and MethodsWe divided 33 male Wistar rats into two groups for the determination of eicosanoid levels in brain (n=20, Group A) and m...