Knee pain is an increasingly common presentation to general practitioners worldwide which is thought to be related to the obesity epidemic, an ageing population and increasingly sedentary lifestyles in more developed nations. Degenerative osteoarthritis (OA) accounts for the majority of presentations in older age groups and this has traditionally been treated with analgesia, lifestyle modifications and adjuncts such as physiotherapy, braces and insoles. All these therapies aim to delay the need of total knee replacement (TKR), which is often the end-point for severe knee OA. However, TKR is associated with poor levels of patient satisfaction, low functional outcomes and has recently been shown to have low levels of cost-effectiveness except in patients with severe disabling OA. Increasingly doctors are turning to intra-articular injections which can provide temporary pain relief such as corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid and platelet rich plasma. This article aims to review the current options for intraarticular injections, comment on their efficacy and suggest areas for future development.