Helicobacter pylori infection in children differs from infection in adults in many aspects. The rate of infection, epidemiology, clinical presentations and complications, the applicability of diagnostic tests, antibiotic resistance, treatment options, and success rates differ significantly. Due to all these differences, management guidelines for children and adults differ also substantially. In 2017, the Updated ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN Guidelines on the management of H. pylori infection in children were published, emphasizing the differences in clinical presentation and indications for treatment, stating that the primary goal of clinical investigation in children is to identify the cause of upper gastrointestinal symptoms rather than the presence of H. pylori infection. Therefore, the diagnosis should be based on upper endoscopy, and the "test and treat strategy" should not be used in children. Due to an increasing rate of antibiotic resistance worldwide, the updated guidelines recommend broader use of antimicrobial susceptibility testing for H. pylori strains in order to tailor eradication treatment accordingly. Moreover, treatment in children should be prescribed only when indicated and should be based on the rate of eradication in local populations aiming for treatment success above 90%. During the last two decades there has been a steady decrease in the rate of H. pylori infection in both children and adults in the Western world. Two recent publications studying the incidence of H. pylori infection confirmed that early childhood is a time for acquisition of infection both in industrialized and nonindustrialized countries. In addition, they showed that H. pylori could be acquired outside the family. In respect to the inverse association between H. pylori and allergy, a longitudinal study demonstrated that early exposure to H. pylori at any age was inversely associated with atopy and allergic conditions.