ABSTRACT. Objective: Alcohol use disorder (AUD) relapse is a construct that has been of major clinical and research interest but has been inconsistently defined. The purpose of this study was to review the definitions of AUD relapse that have been used in clinical research as a basis for drawing conclusions about its heuristic value. Method: A systematic review of the literature was conducted on empirical studies that (a) were published in peer-reviewed journals, (b) were published between 2010 and 2015, (c) were written in English, and (d) provided a definition of alcohol relapse (or lapse) that was used in the study. Results: The review yielded 139 individual studies that met inclusion criteria. The studies showed wide variability in how relapse was defined and interpreted in the literature, and there was little direct empirical or theoretical rationale provided for the definitions of relapse that were chosen. Furthermore, the concept of AUD relapse as a discrete state is not consistent with the empirical literature on the clinical course of alcohol consumption. Conclusions: We conclude that the heuristic value of AUD relapse as currently studied is low. An alternative approach that embeds the construct in theory and data on the clinical course of alcohol consumption and aligns with current trends in healthcare would seem to have a better chance of improving AUD clinical decision-making and knowledge about AUD in general. (J. Stud. Alcohol Drugs, 77, 849-858, 2016 T HE TERM RELAPSE is part of the common discourse with respect to addictive behaviors. For example, a simple Google search for either "relapse and addiction" or "relapse and alcohol" yields millions of results. The purpose of this article is to examine the use of the term relapse in the area of alcohol use/alcohol use disorder (AUD) change, whether by self-initiation, the use of mutual-help groups, formal treatment services, or some combination of the three. The ultimate goal of this line of inquiry is to appraise the heuristic value of the term relapse in advancing clinical research and treatment. Heuristic value in this article means value in aiding the discovery of knowledge about AUD clinical course through the generation of research. The article begins with an overview of conceptual definitions of AUD relapse followed by reporting the findings of a systematic review of recently published (2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015) empirical studies that have included relapse as an independent or dependent variable.
Definition of relapseAccording to the online edition of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (n.d.), "relapse" is derived from the Latin word relabi, which means "to slide back." Relapse as a verb means "to become ill again after a period of improvement in health," or "to return to a bad condition, form of behavior, etc." The noun form of relapse simply means a return of illness or a return to a former and undesirable condition.The construct of relapse is often applied in reference to what typically are considered physical illnesses. In this conte...