In the present investigation, the four cross combinations of Punjab Padmini X Panruti local, Dharmapuri local X Panruti local, Punjab Padmini X Parbanikranthi and Dharmapuri local X Parbanikranthi and three bhendi populations, BIP, F2, and F3, were developed in 2019, and these populations were evaluated in 2020 to determine the extent of genetic variability, heritability, and genetic advance for twelve bhendicharacters. Significant variances in BIP compared to the population of F2 and F3 in most characters have been noted that showed high mean and wider variations in PCV and GCV in fruit length, number of fruits per plant and plant yield. High heritability of BIPS was revealed by Punjab Padmini x Parbanikranthi for the traits viz., days to 50 per cent flowering, number of fruits per plant, fruit length, fruit girth and fruit yield per plant which revealed the importance of additive gene action for these traits. This is indicative of both additive and non-additive gene action (dominance and epistasis). Hence, selection could not be practiced in the immediate segregating generations. These two characters also showed unfavourable association with fruit yield per plant in BIPs which indicated that all the unfavourable linkages were not broken down through intermating in the early segregating generation. Thus, selection should be postponed to later generations after intermating in one or two subsequent to obtain potential recombinants.