High dose melphalan (HDM) and autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) is standard of care for multiple myeloma (MM), but there is significant variability in melphalan exposure (area under the plasma drug concentration-time curve, AUC) when using body surface area-based dosing. Our aim was to establish a method of pharmacokinetic (PK) testing for real-time melphalan dose adjustments. Methods: We performed a prospective PK study of melphalan 140 or 200 mg/m 2 in MM patients undergoing ASCT. Twenty MM patients were administered HDM on days −2 and − 1, with PK sampling at 8-10 time points. PK testing was performed on day −2 in all patients, and on day −1 in 5 patients. Results: Less than 20% interpatient variation in the day −2 and − 1 AUC was observed. The day −2 range in AUC (4.95-11.28 mg h/L) confirmed significant interpatient variability. The hypothetical total dose ranged from 133-302 mg/m 2 to achieve the total median AUC. A 4-time point AUC (0, 30, 150 and 240 min) highly correlated with the AUC from the 8-time point schedule. A higher AUC correlated with increased risk of febrile neutropenia (P = .05). Conclusion: Here we outline the methods to establish novel melphalan dosing using PK testing in MM patients undergoing ASCT to target a desired melphalan AUC.