“…Reason for exclusion Barlow, smailagic, Ferriter, Bennett, and Jones (2010) too few school-based studies on outcomes of interest included Baskin et al (2010) Unclear if outcomes of interest were included in review, and if they were to what extent Beelmann and Raabe (2009) Review of reviews Protocol of a review, not an actual review Bowman-Perrott, Burke, nan, and Zaini (2014) too few school-based studies on outcomes of interest included candelaria, Fedewa, and ahn (2012) could not clearly determine all of the studies which were school-based and which considered outcomes of interest cobb, sample, Morgen, and Johns (2006) could not clearly determine all of the studies which were school-based and which considered outcomes of interest edwards and hinsz (2014) too few school-based studies on outcomes of interest included ehiri, hitchcock, ejere, and Mytton (2007) Protocol of a review, not an actual review Fellmeth, heffernan, nurse, habibula, and sethi (2013) could not clearly determine which studies that were included in analysis were school-based Ferguson, Miguel, Kilburn, and sanchez (2007) effects for bullying and other types of violence were not reported separately. could not determine extent to which violence outside of bullying was represented in statistics grove, evans, Pastor, and Mack (2008) could not clearly determine how many school-based interventions were included, and thus how represented they were in the statistics R. hahn et al (2007) a published version of this report was also found in our searches and thus used instead.…”