In Slovenia only recently entomopathogenic nematodes were recorded for the first time. In the beginning of 2007, the presence of Steinernema affine was confirmed. During the further investigations in the same year Steinernema feltiae was recorded on the arable field near Cerknica. In the previous year this field was planted with chicory. In Slovenia, until now the entomopathogenic nematodes had a status of an exotic agents and their use was allowed only in the laboratory experiments. We expect that in Slovenia the use of these biological agents against insect pests will become important alternative to insecticides as it is known in many other countries of the world.
Key wordsbiological control, entomopathogenic nematodes, exotic agents, Slovenia, Steinernema affine, Steinernema feltiae IZVLEČEK ENTOMOPATOGENA OGORČICA Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) PRVIČ UGOTOVLJENA V SLOVENIJI V Sloveniji so bile entomopatogene ogorčice prvič ugotovljene šele nedavno. V začetku leta 2007 je bila potrjena zastopanost vrste Steinernema affine, med nadaljnjimi raziskavami v istem letu pa je bila na njivi v bližini Cerknice najdena tudi ogorčica Steinernema feltiae. Na omenjenem zemljišču so leto prej pridelovali radič. Doslej so imele entomopatogene ogorčice v Sloveniji status tujerodnih organizmov, njihova uporaba pa je bila dovoljena le v laboratorijskih poskusih. Pričakujemo, da bo v Sloveniji uporaba omenjenih naravnih sovražnikov škodljivih žuželk postala pomembna alternativa insekticidom, kar je sicer že znano v številnih drugih državah sveta.