“…The emergence of vaccine resistant mutant HBV straids1 [Carman et al, 19901 may create a further problem. Earlier methods available for prevention of perinatal transmission were by specific high titre anti-HBs immunoglobulin [Beasely et al, 1983a,b;Nair et al, 1984;Kanai et al, 1985;KO et al, 19871, either alone or with specific HBV vaccine [Wong et al, 19841. Early immunoglobulin administration followed by vaccination increases the cost, particularly when a large population is to be immunised and without any discernible advantage [Mulley et al, 1982;Xu et al, 19851. A randomised clinical trial was undertaken of vac-cines derived from plasma (HB-Vax, Merck, Sharpe & Dhome (MSD), USA) and recombinant yeast vaccine (Engerix-B, Smith Kline and French [SKF], Belgium) in infants born to carrier mothers.…”