. 2008. Performance and bunk attendance of cattle fed steam-rolled or gound corn supplemented with laidlomycin and chlortetracycline or monensin and tylosin. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88: 499Á506. British cross steer calves (n 0240; 332923 kg) in 16 pens were fed ground (G) or steam-rolled (SR) corn-based finishing diets medicated with 12 mg kg(1 laidlomycin propionate and 42.2 mg kg (1 chlortetracycline hydrochloride (LC) or with 30.4 mg kg(1 monensin sodium and 10.5 mg kg (1 tylosin phosphate (MT) in a 2 )2 factorial experiment. Individual bunk attendance was monitored using radio frequency identification in one pen per diet. Finishing diets were fed for 125 d following a 27-d adaptation from 65 to 91% concentrate diet. In the first 56 d and overall, daily dry matter intake (DMI) was greater (P B0.05) with LC than with MT (8.8 vs. 8.3 kg), but did not differ (P00.97) between G and SR diets. There was a trend (P 00.11) towards greater ADG for cattle fed LC than those fed MT (1.54 vs. 1.47 kg d(1 ), but gain:feed was similar (0.169; P 00.80) between antibiotic supplements. Processing method did not (P00.29) affect rate of gain, but SR tended (P00.06) to improve gain:feed compared with G (0.171 vs. 0.165). Steers fed LC spent more (P B0.001) time at the bunk than those fed MT (125 vs. 120 min d(1 ). On G diets, cattle fed LC made fewer daily visits (9.3 vs. 9.5 visits d (1 ; PB0.001). These cattle also had the greatest deviation in daily duration at the bunk (37.3 vs. 33.7 min; PB0.001). The prevalence of liver abscesses was 13.2% with LC and 6.5% with MT (P 00.09). However, the prevalence of severely abscessed livers (2.9%) was unaffected (P00.45) by treatment. The prevalence of foot rot was greater (P00.02) for cattle fed MT (7.5%) than for cattle fed LC (0.8%). Compared with feeding MT, feeding LC may enhance ADG, possibly due to greater DMI. Les auteurs ont surveilleĺ a fre´quentation des mangeoires graˆce a`l'identification par radiofre´quence a`raison d'un enclos par ration. Les rations ont e´te´servies pendant 125 jours apre`s une pe´riode d'adaptation de 27 jours durant laquelle les animaux sont passe´s de 65 a9 1% de concentre´. Au cours des 56 premiers jours et globalement, l'ingestion quotidienne de matie`re se`che e´tait plus e´leve´e (PB0,05) avec la ration LC qu'avec la ration MT (8,8 c. 8,3 kg), alors qu'elle e´tait la meˆme (P 00,97) pour les traitements G et SR. Les bovins recevant la ration LC ont tendance (P00,11) a`enregistrer un gain quotidien moyen plus e´leve´que ceux nourris avec la ration MT (1,54 c. 1,47 kg j (1 ), mais le ratio gain:aliment e´tait analogue (0,169; P00,80) pour les deux supple´ments d'antibiotiques. La me´thode de transformation n'affecte pas (P00,29) le taux de gain, mais le conditionnement SR tend (P00,06) a`ame´liorer le ratio gain/aliment comparativement au traitement G (0,171 c. 0,165). Les bouvillons nourris avec la ration LC passent plus (P B0,001) de temps a`la mangeoire que ceux recevant la ration MT (125 c. 120 min par jour). Avec la farine, les bovins recevant le me´...