The problem of using chemical plant protection products in agriculture is exacerbated by their negative impact on the environment and the resulting products. Intensive use of fungicides, herbicides, insecticides against diseases, weeds and pests in agricultural production leads to a decrease in soil fertility and product quality, a reduction in agronomically valuable microorganisms. The relevance of biological plant protection increases. To restore the homeostasis of the soil microbial community, to obtain high and environmentally safe products, it is necessary to use biological methods of combating sugar beet diseases. For this purpose, microbiological biopreparations are being developed based on strains of microbes that are antagonists of phytopathogens, one of them is Bacillus subtilis. The results of field studies on the effect of introducing a suspension of native strains of Bacillus subtilis on the intensity of development and prevalence of the main diseases of the leaf apparatus of sugar beet are presented. According to the research results, suspensions of Bacillus subtilius 20 and 17(8) strains are effective in combating diseases such as: alternaria, cercospora, phomosis, viral jaundice, powdery mildew. Treatment of the leaf apparatus with antagonist microorganisms Bacillus subtilis 20 and Bacillus subtilis 17/8 contributed to an increase in the yield of sugar beet root crops by 5.2-10.7 t/ha. This is due to the fact that the introducers successfully populated the phylloplane of developing plants and the soil, optimized the structure of the microbial community, and contributed to a decrease in the disease of the leaf apparatus of sugar beet.