2574 ISAKA Y et al. administered and whether measures to prevent CIN are necessary. Any use of contrast media that is not consistent with the revised guideline reflects the decisions made by the attending physicians on the basis of conditions specific to their patients, and their decisions should be prioritized. The present guideline does not provide any legal basis for prosecuting physicians who do not use contrast media according to the guideline. ▋ 1.3 Selection of Literature, Levels of Evidence, and Grades of Recommendations The revised guideline was prepared according to the procedures proposed by Minds. The guideline writing committee discussed and revised CQs on 9 themes regarding CIN. The working groups addressed the CQs by critically reviewing literature published from September 1, 2011 to March 31, 2017 in major literature databases (e.g., PubMed, MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library, and the Japan Centra Revuo Medicina [Ichushi]), in addition to the literature referenced in the CIN guideline 2012. Literature published since April 2017 was also included as deemed necessary by the guideline committee. Since the CIN guideline 2012 was prepared according to the Minds guideline 2007, CQs included in 2012 were revised according to the Minds guideline 2007. New CQs added in this revised guideline, CQ3-12, CQ5-6, CQ5-7, and CQ6-4, were prepared according to "Minds Guidebook for Guideline Development 2014" and "Minds Manual for Guideline Development 2017". Thus, in this revised guideline, 2 kinds of evidence and recommendation evaluation methods were adopted. A level of evidence and grade of recommendation were assigned to the answers to the CQs.