Low testosterone levels are common in middle-aged, and particularly in older, men. 1 The Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS) estimated the prevalence of low testosterone levels to be 25.3% among men ages 40 to 70 years using blood-based cutoffs alone. Hypogonadism, which incorporates specific symptoms along with a low testosterone level, has a lower prevalence (6% to 12% in the MMAS). However, it is still common among men and increases with age. Common symptoms of hypogonadism include reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, reduced muscle mass, poor concentration, and sleep disturbance. 2 Anemia of aging, a mild, normocytic anemia, is also common in older adults, with a prevalence of up to 15%. 3 Although the causes of anemia of aging appear to be multifactorial and have not been This is one of the largest trials of TRT and features a long duration of follow-up (mean duration on TRT was over 20 months). It is a large, well-designed and executed trial, and provides important data on the link between anemia and TRT. It complements findings from the Testosterone Trials, a series of 3 related randomized clinical trials of TRT in men aged 65 years and older, 7 which
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