Objective: To assess the net dentofacial effects of the fixed lingual mandibular growth modificator (FLMGM). Materials and Methods: The study sample comprised 38 patients with Class II/1 malocclusion and retrognathic mandible. All were in the pubertal growth spurt. Whereas FLMGM was applied to the treatment group (n 5 21, mean age 5 13.2 years), no treatment was performed on the control group (n 5 17, mean age 5 12.5 years). Skeletal and dentoalveolar changes were assessed on digital lateral cephalograms obtained at the beginning and end of the treatment/observation period of 8 months. Paired and independent t-tests were used to assess the differences within and between groups. Results: Maxillary growth was not affected by FLMGM treatment, which resulted in a significant overjet reduction of 4.1 mm, an increase in total mandibular length (Co-Gn) of 2.3 mm, chin advancement of 1.6u, and upper incisor retroclination of 4.0u. A reduction of 2.4u in ANB was largely due to an increase of 1.8u in SNB. Favorably, the lower incisors were obviously retroclined by 4.5u. The changes in the vertical skeletal relationships were negligible. Conclusion: FLMGM was effective in treating growing Class II/1 patients and produced favorable dentofacial effects, with the matched untreated sample showing minimal changes. Lower incisor retroclination was a benefit of FLMGM treatment. (Angle Orthod. 2014;84:527-533.)