Step 2. Place a dot at coordinate X, Y.Step 3. If Y equals the y coordinate of the bottom end of the line, stop. Otherwise, go to Step 4. Step 4. lfD is negative, set D = D + 2 lAX [, and set Y = Y + 1.Go to Step 2. If Dis positive, set D = D + 2 [ AX ] --2 I AY I, setY = Y+ 1, andsetX = X+ l. GotoStep2.By careful initialization of constants it is possible to combine the procedures given here for slopes less than 45 degrees and slopes greater than 45 degrees into a single procedure for all cases. However, the procedures are so simple and compact to start with that the additional code required to combine them is difficult to justify. Experience has shown that a faster and more compact program is obtained if the two cases are treated separately.The precision with which the calculations in the procedures must be carried out depends on the resolution of the particular plotter to be used and the characteristics of the dot-generating algorithm. If there are k dots along the maximum dimension of the rectangular raster, the maximum value of AX or AY for any line in the drawing will he k units. Since the values of the variables in the Bresenham algorithm may range between -t-2 AX or -t-2 AY, the arithmetic of the procedure will encounter signed integers with a maximum range of -I-2k units. The number of bits required to represent these signed integers in 2's complement arithmetic is V-logs 4k-1 bits. The largest plotting area in general use is 1024 × 1024 units, which would require 12 bit calculations. Arithmetic of this magnitude is within the single precision integer arithmetic capability of most popular minicomputers.