permeability is an essential petrophysical property for evaluating
the hydrocarbon exploitation and CO2 geological sequestration.
The large-scale rock heterogeneity by single-scale digital rock analysis
(DRA) poses a challenge in predicting the permeability of the centimeter-scale
core plug for fractured carbonates, vuggy carbonates, and conglomerates.
The present study developed two multiscale workflows to upscale the
permeability from the millimeter scale to the near centimeter scale.
The basic two-step workflow consists of multiscale imaging and multiscale
modeling to integrate the Darcy flow in the microporous matrix representative
element volume and the Stokes flow in larger-sized pores/vugs/fractures.
The basic two-step workflow was then extended to the four-step workflow
to speed up the computation and reduce the computer memory. With experimental
permeability as the benchmark, this study compared single-scale simulation
methods and multiscale workflows to quantify the best permeability
analysis method for the three rock types. The basic two-step workflow
with binary segmentation is accurate for the fractured carbonate due
to fully modeling the preferential flow and the fluid exchange between
the fracture and matrix. The extended four-step workflow with ternary
segmentation is optimal for the conglomerate to simulate fluid resistances
of the gravel and matrix with satisfied computational efficiency.
The permeability of some vuggy carbonates can be well evaluated by
the single-scale simulation of the matrix flow where the vugs are
isolated and cannot facilitate fluid communication. The acceptable
agreement between the experimental and simulated permeabilities for
18 core plugs improves the confidence in using the developed DRA to
predict the permeability for complex rocks.