Research is aimed at studying potato varieties with increased adaptive capacity in terms of yield, as well as resistance to phytopathogenic micromycetes Fusarium solani. The study of varieties with high genetic, adaptive potential, in relation to stress factors, resistance to damage by diseases, pests for growing them in a specific soil-climatic zone, remains relevant. In recent years, diseases caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium are the reasons for a sharp decline in the yield and quality of potatoes. The main criterion of a variety that is characterized by high adaptability in a certain agro-climatic zone is the adaptability coefficient with an indicator of 1 or higher. During 2018-2020, stress resistance, stability, resistance to the pathogen Fusarium solani of thirteen potato varieties were studied in the Polissia zone of Ukraine. Their yield, analyzed through the coefficients of adaptability, of phenotypic stability and the difference between its maximum and minimum value. Among the studied varieties, the Prada variety stood out (25.6 t/ha), which is high-yielding, stress-resistant and stable at the same time (CAA -1.21, FS -1.1, (X min -X max ) -1.8). This variety has a high score (9) of resistance to F. solani. Among the thirteen varieties of potatoes that were affected by phytopathogenic micromycetes genotypes were established that are highly resistant (Prada, Granada, Solokha, Rodynna, Lilly, Esmee, Zhytnytsia, Kniazha) and resistant (Opillia, Paroli, Bellarosa, Vzirets, Constance) to the pathogen F. solani, which causes the disease both during the storage period and during the growing season.