The relevance of alkali activated slag cement (AASC) concretes for structures operated in seawater is due to their enhanced resistance in aggressive environments. The application of high consistency fresh concretes is accompanied by negative changes in their structure with higher penetration of aggressive environments. Thus, the methods to prevent corrosion of steel reinforcement in plasticized AASC concrete are actual for investigations. It is shown, that modification of plasticized AASC concrete (consistency class S4) by the complex «alumina cement - portland cement - clinoptilolite - trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4·12H2O)» restrict the transport of aggressive Cl- and SO4
2- ions. The results of DTA, XRD, electron microscopy, microzond analysis show that mentioned complex limits transport of the mentioned aggressive ions due to their binding by AFm phases in hydration products, exchange with OH- ions in the structure of clinoptilolite, formation of hydrated products of apatite group Ca5(PO4)3(OH, Cl). This was confirmed by qualitative reaction on Cl- and SO4
2- ions in concrete structure, as well as by assessing of surface and mass loss of steel bars embedded in AASC concrete after 9 months in seawater. It was ensured the advanced crystallization with densification of microstructure, which increases corrosion resistance of artificial stone.