It has been established that it is possible to increase the productivity of grasslands on sod-podzolic soil with the introduction of biohumus against the background of irrigation. The optimal variant of the experiment with the introduction of vermicompost at the rate of 8 t/ha. The research results revealed an increase in the content of basic nutrients in the soil by 0.2 … 4 mg/100 g of soil, activation of the cellulose-degrading activity of the soil twice, which was characterized as strong on the Zvyagintsev scale. The content of organic matter in the soil increased to 0.28 t/ha. The plant density increased by 1.5 times, the height – 2 times, the yield of the grass mixture increased on average to almost 5 t/ha, the quality of products improved, which corresponded to the zootechnical norm in almost all parameters. The cost of production amounted to 2.04 rubles/kg, conditionally net income – 3.64 rubles. In the summer of 2019, the research results passed the first year of approbation at Igor VyacheslavovichBelousov LLC on an area of 1.5 hectares. The yield was 4.8 t/ha of dry matter, which is 31% higher than the control option – traditional technology.