Hardware accelerators, such as those based on GPUs and FPGAs, offer an excellent opportunity to efficiently parallelize functionalities. Recently, modern embedded platforms started being equipped with such accelerators, resulting in a compelling choice for emerging, highly computational intensive workloads, like those required by next-generation autonomous driving systems. Alongside the need for computational efficiency, such workloads are commonly characterized by real-time requirements, which need to be satisfied to guarantee the safe and correct behavior of the system. To this end, this paper proposes a holistic framework to help designers partition real-time applications on heterogeneous platforms with hardware accelerators. The proposed model is inspired by a realistic setup of an advanced driving assistance system presented in the WATERS 2019 Challenge by Bosch, further generalized to encompass a broader range of heterogeneous architectures. The resulting analysis is linearized and used to encode an optimization problem that jointly (i) guarantees timing constraints, (ii) finds a suitable task-to-core mapping, (iii) assigns a priority to each task, and (iv) selects which computations to accelerate, seeking for the most convenient trade-off between the smaller worst-case execution time provided by accelerators and synchronization and queuing delays.