In this article, a waveguide fed circularly polarized hybrid plasmonic nanoantenna (CP‐HPNA) is proposed for nanophotonic applications, at 1550 nm wavelength telecommunication window. Here, the concept of hybrid plasmonic waveguide (HPWG) in conjunction with transmission line model is well incorporated in terms of electromagnetics. The proposed antenna geometry is an L‐hexagonal shaped patch fed by HPWG. The FDTD computational technique through CST microwave studio is used for design, simulation and characterization of CP‐HPNA. The proposed antenna exhibits an impedance bandwidth of 4.07 THz (S11 ≤ −10 dB) and prior to that, complete circular polarization is achieved, with an axial bandwidth of 5.49 THz (AR ≤ 3 dB). It shows broadside pattern with realized gain of 4.64 dB, directivity of 8.10 dBi and antenna efficiency of 63.98% at 1550 nm wavelength. With observed outcomes, the proposed antenna model finds its way‐out for many nanophotonic applications, ranging from the fields of optical sensing to lidars and in wireless optical communications from interconnects to intraconnects of chips. In correspondence to its utility, this research article, can significantly be treated as a link for visualizing the concepts of optical through classical electromagnetism.