“…It has been apparent for some time that volatile return efficiency at arcs is geographically variable, and single‐margin studies are therefore vital to improve understanding of subduction zone processes. The central America margin, for example, undergoes little to no C loss in the deep forearc and subarc (0.15%–5% loss, Freundt et al., 2014; see also Li & Bebout, 2005), while other margins could experience more extensive loss (∼100% for the Lesser Antilles proposed by Li et al., 2020). For the Central America margin, previous research has concluded that ∼100% of sediment‐bound N 2 is lost by subarc depths (Fischer et al., 2002; Snyder et al., 2003), a conclusion at odds with studies of exhumed metasedimentary rocks that indicate near complete forearc retention of N in white mica (Bebout et al., 2013; Busigny et al., 2003).…”