In Guided Scrambling (GS) encoding for the holographic storage, after scrambling augmented source word into codeword, the best codeword satisfying modulation constraint is determined. Modulation constraints considered in this paper are strength which is the minimum number of transition between '0' and '1' in each row and column of codeword array and the symbol balancedness of codeword array. In this paper, we show that GS encoding procedure can be formulated as an integer programming model and develop a fast neighborhood search heuristic for fast computation of control bits. In the simulation, we compared the performance of heuristic algorithm with the integer programming model for various array and control bit size combinations.주저자 겸 교신저자:숭실대학교 산업정보시스템공학과,, 정회원° 숭실대학교 정보통신전자공학부 정보저장및통신 연구실,, 종신회원 논문번호:KICS2013-07-295, 접수일자:2013년 7월 18일, 최종논문접수일자:2013년 6월 23일